Monday, October 31, 2011

In recovery from the loss of a relationship...

(In recovery from the loss of a relationship...)

God can and will do what you need Him to. You’re not the red-haired stepchild.  (Wait!  That’s me!  Adopted "Jesus Girl," that is! (See the Bible, Book of Galatians, Chapter 4.))

God’s been reminding me to 1) put away all malice and resentment (negative beliefs?) from my heart 2) mull upon and realize that He is completely faithful and WILL accomplish His work in me – including any work needed for me to receive financial and relational provision.  For me, I plan to pray in silence and ask God to reveal and heal any mysterious brokenness inside that blinds me or hinders me from seeing or receiving good things, opportunities and people. 

We don’t have to know what’s going on inside, but, for me, I’m going to focus on Jesus & His love written about in the Bible (see the book of Hebrews, chapter 4.)  I want to discern/discover what I’m fearing, what I really believe.  The Bible reads,  “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he,” and “Above all else, guard (steward?) your heart, for out of it flow the issues of life.” What's in there - in my heart? I just sensed when writing above – ‘He is completely faithful and WILL accomplish His work in me – including any work needed for me to receive financial and relational provision’ – that there is a “me” component; a way I need to engage with Him, as noted above - bringing myself to Him with my thoughts and prayers and spoken affirmations of healthy words throughout the day.  Maybe this situation requires my diligent participation and hanging onto the edge of his robe in prayer, seeking His mind and presence until I know what's going on in my heart. What was I worrying about? What beliefs need God's perspective or adjustment? When I engage, persist in prayer, and accept His way and Words, then the healing can get solid and gain traction.

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