Monday, October 10, 2011

Elle's book - Day 1

I have best success in moods when I pray & turn over bad thoughts/worries/feelings and instead focus on God’s loving presence & all He promises. Focus on His love and He’ll get me and you where we need to be.  I remind myself that God has good things for me, better than I can find for myself, and He will make it up to me, He will make amends, even if others don’t.  I’ve been setting a bad example by meditating on negative things.  Let’s choose LIFE - be intentional about praying for help, choosing healthy, affirming thoughts, speaking life to ourselves and others and not meditating/harboring/mulling over fear, worry, evils done or anger.  We can’t completely control circumstances, but we can direct our hearts better.  Let’s spend time enjoying life, hugging, smiling and being happy with God and the friends He has provided.  Let’s let our hearts smile, noticing and seeing ALL THE GOOD THINGS AND PEOPLE He continuously provides!  I messed up, so now let’s be back on track, remembering: “Though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.” (I am righteous through Christ's acceptance of me.) And, “Though I trip and fall, I will not stumble completely, for God will sustain me.” – Elle Blue

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