Monday, December 10, 2012

About managing emotions...

Phil 4: “…whatever is good, noble, excellent, praiseworthy…let your mind dwell (stay on, hover around) positive things.”   

I have a lot to say about how to manage thoughts and emotions.  I have really had great difficulty because of pressures and trials, but am trying to receive from God about all of it, to understand my part, what I am to do, and regularly He intervenes.
 We have to regularly pray about concerns, turn over the burden of them, talk with Him about everything throughout the day and choose to turn away from negative thoughts - even grief, worry, anxiety - any bad feeling.  I have to find what I'm thinking that's troubling me and shoo it away and, usually, replace it with God's promises from the Bible.  Jesus spoke to His demons.  I can do likewise.  "No.  That's a lie.  I will get through this.  God has always provided everything I need, and He will do it again."  The main reason I regularly read the Bible - as a daily devotion (shorter reading selections,) periodically throughout the day (snatches of favorite passages that encourage and strengthen) and systematically (longer, more extensive passages of all the Bible,) is because all of life's wisdom is in there, and I need it! 

Regarding worry:  As Philipians advises, let's choose to believe He heard and is bringing an answer to our prayers.  He has always been faithful.  He always will be faithful.  Remind yourself of what He has already done for you or others.  Don't worry.  Then, when in prayer time or talking with a safe friend, we can let some of our grief and concerns out, to share our burden and feel lighter.  I heard that, when in a time of grief, to "open the book of tears" maybe 10 minutes per day.  As I go through the "Valley of Baca (weeping)" - see Psalm 84 - I will receive new life in those broken parts.  It's in there, in the Bible!  We are designed by God to let Him be our strength and song and choose and speak LIFE and life-giving thoughts.