Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Try not to be SO hard on yourself...or others..

The Spirit whispered to me "...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified FREELY by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."  Not even dyed in the wool Christian PK's (Preacher's kids) are required to be perfect.  I think some of the theology of consequences and "being punished by our sins" is inaccurate and backfires on overly conscientious people.  
We are all at turns being either the prodigal son or the other son when we err.  God really knows us and knows why we fail.  I am being challenged by the Spirit to NOT JUDGE the people that really hurt me, even the ones that keep doing it.  We just don't know what they're dealing with.  I like what Charles Stanley believes: the trials and problems that reach us have already been sifted through the hands of God and His sovereignty.   We likely have many "near misses" and accidents of faith daily.  But He can handle it.  Let's be conscientious, but "cease striving (watch your worry level) and know that He (alone) is God."